The Lord God bless you for being interested in His Kingdom.
Free theological courses for Christian workers with a bachelor's degree aiming for a second bachelor's. Or for people who want a deeper understanding of theology for their personal life. Next to the BTh degree, we offer a MA in Theology and a D.Min.
from Sri Lanka:
Dr. Sam. Thevabalasingham, Pastor Dr. Ester de Joodt, Dr. Christy Wanniappa,
Prof. Dr. Joe Weeramunda, Dr. Dhanan Senathirajah, Dr. David Nicolle,
Dr. Athanasius Fernandopulle, Dr. Verghese Chandy, Dr. Ajith Fernando.
From abroad:
Bishop Niranjan Bardhan (India), Dr. Delron (USA), Luc Borkes (MA, Belgium),
Dr. Bruno VAN de VLIET (Belgium), Dr Kemmler (Switzerland),
Dr. Ben Yoo (Korea/India), Prof. Dr. Roland Kleger (Switzerland)